Saturday, March 29, 2008

KOTM and Family Babysitters

I found this article on (, and it talks about a great program they have at Kids On The Move in Orem, which is the early intervention center that Lexi has her playgroups and therapy sessions at. The article is about the date-night babysitting program they offer, which is a huge service for parents with children who are disabled and can't be babysat by just anyone. I'm glad KOTM is getting recognition for the great services they provide, but the article also reminded me how lucky we are to have such awesome family members living so close. I know I could never trust Lexi to be watched by some random teenager in the neighborhood, because her communication skills right now, or lack thereof, would make it very difficult and stressful. Fortunately we have never had to worry about that, because we're lucky to Grandma and Aunt Suzie and Uncle Tom and Aunt Korbie and Aunt Mindy and Uncle Cory all close and willing to help out whenever we've needed it. Thanks guys! I know our lives would be completely different if we didn't know we always had so many wonderful people right there looking out for us, and willing to give up their free time to help us in any way possible. And I know Lexi loves it too, because get to relatives spoil us in a way mommy and daddy really shouldn't. So, once again, in case we don't say it enough, THANKS!