Thursday, September 3, 2009

Why I Suck At Blogging (because I really do)

1. I'm Horrible at taking pictures
I never bring a camera with me. Anywhere. I know that I should, but so often I find myself at some sort of Kodak Moment when suddenly it occurs to me that a responsible, loving mother would have had the foresight to bring with them the means to capture that perfect moment for posterity. And then, of course, if I do somehow manage to have a moment of mental clarity and pop the camera into my purse before we leave the house, I always forget to bring it out. Not to mention that all we have is a little point-and-shoot, which is cute and convenient, but not exactly the tool for super-awesome-and-beautifully-artistic shots. And a blog post without pictures seems to assume that others just love to hear me talk, and I guess I'm just not self-confident enough for that.

2. We never do anything interesting
It's true. The Tomlinson Family lead very boring and uneventful lives. Not to say that we don't do anything, not at all. We're all extremely busy. Unfortunately, we're just always busy with such mundance activities, the mere thought of writing it down puts me to sleep. Auditory/verbal therapy is not exactly reality-show worthy entertainment.

3. I'm too objective about my children
I'm a totally crappy mom. A good mom would look at their children as if their every dirty diaper was some sort of miracle only a genius child could conjure up, and feel the need to share that miraculous event with the world. The everyday things my kid do are cute, and I love it, but I'm their mom. I'm genetically required to find them amusing. I guess I just figure my friends and out-of-town relatives are not. I mean, it was cute when Seth did a little rendition of flash-dance in milk on the kitchen table, but I'm not exactly surprised that the story didn't get picked up by the Times. Of course, I realize there's some error in my logic, because I actually really enjoy hearing about those everyday, cute moments that other people blog about. Huh.