Tuesday, March 11, 2008


Ok, so this is a bit of old news, but I watched him on Ellen today and I'm in a blogging mood, so... I'm just so excited that Christian won on Project Runway! Before the season even started airing, he was my favorite because I loved how he would say "I'm kind of a big deal" on the promo commercials, 1) because it reminded me of old effeminate guy friends from Seattle, and 2) because cute little 2 year old Mac has a t-shirt that says the same thing. But when the season started and I saw his designs, I was even more in love. His stuff is totally fierce! If I was a) cool, b) rich, c) super skinny, and d) not commited to temple standards, I would so want to wear all his stuff. Plus, I just love that I picked the winner to back, straight from the beginning! I never do that!

So, congratulations to Christian, thanks for giving me weeks and weeks of FIERCE entertainment.

Oh, and sidenote, isn't Heidi Klum too cute for words. I have to think that Heavenly Father has bestowed huge secret trials upon her life, otherwise it's just not fair...