Tuesday, March 11, 2008

She Speaks!

Lexi has started to sort of kind of maybe almost say words. Just this past week we've been able to get her to say what roughly sounds like "More", "Meow", "Ruff", and "Please". In reality, they sound more like "Mo", "Eow", "Uf", and "Ee", but we're not picky. Today Grandma Tomlinson tried to help get her to say "Mama", and it was almost a success. She made the mouth motions nice and clear, but no sound came out. But Sharon's idea to get her to say it was a good one (I hid behind the corner and Grandma and Lexi would "say" Mama, and I would pop out), so we'll have to try that tonight and see if we can get "Daddy" out of her. She seems to not understand how to make a consanent sound besides "mm", which makes sense because that's an easy one to see someone else do and imitate. She's made "gg" and "dd" sounds before on accident, just while babbling, but when we tried to teach her to say "go", it came out "mo" and she looked confused. We'll have to ask her speech therapist how to teach her that, short of sticking our hands in her mouth and moving her tongue for her (somehow I don't think that's the recommended course of action). Everyone, keep saying your prayers that Lexi will talk, and hopefully she'll continue to make improvements!