Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Glider pic!

It's real, and it's fantastic. Wayne picked up the glider from Walmart tonight and put it together in a quick 15 minutes. Go Wayne! I absolutely love this glider. The reviews I read were right, this glider is definately made for a smaller person. It's perfect for me. The arm rests are just where they should be, and the back cushion gets all big and puffy at the top so I can just rest my head back and it supports it perfectly. I can seriously see falling asleep in this chair, and I've never been able to say that about any chair I've ever sat in. Thanks everyone once again for such a great gift. This is definately going to make those first few weeks of getting up all night much easier, and thus make me a much less cranky person. So... it's sort of a gift for all of you as well, huh? I get it now, guys...