Thursday, March 27, 2008

How early is TOO early?

I don't know if it was the unplanned nature, or the extra amount of body aches, but I am SO done with being pregnant, and have been for some time. I started thinking "OK, let's get this thing over with!" at about 25 weeks. But then my sister told me about her friend who recently had her baby at 25 weeks (due to complications, of course), and the baby was in the NICU for weeks and was at high risk for developmental delays later in life due to being born so early. So I stopped wishing for labor right then and there. Now I'm 30 weeks, and I find myself hoping for early labor once again. My ultimate fantasy is that I go to the doctor next week and something comes up that has them worried. So they induce me early, the baby is born, but then it turns out it was a false alarm, everything is fine, and the baby is SO big (he sure feels it!) that he does great even for being preterm, and everyone is healthy and wonderful and no one is pregnant anymore.

Somehow I feel this is an unrealistic fantasy.

Since I ought to stop wishing for an early labor (before Heavenly Father gets fed up and says "Fine! You want it, have it, trials and all!" ala the Joseph Smith History lesson a few weeks ago), I'm now wondering, how early is ok early? I mean, is early at all ever ok? I'm hoping so, even a few days shaved off this pregnancy seems like a sanity saver...