Wednesday, April 30, 2008

First day on the big girl van!

Today Lexie rode to school on the van. Was she nervous? No, she had no idea what was going on before this morning. Was I nervous? Heck yeah! I barely got any sleep last night. I thought I was totally cool with it, until right before we went to bed, when for some reason my mind started going to all those 'worst case' scenerios. Once that started, my mind couldn't stop. I was up half the night imagining her the next morning happily getting on the van, then totally freaking out when they pulled away from our house without mommy, and then she would start crying and hyperventilating and not be able to calm down without a binky (which is the only thing that brings her back to reality on the rare occation she has a total meltdown), but binkies aren't allowed at preschool, so she'd have to keep freaking out until they would eventually call me and have me come pick her up...
Anyway, apparently my sleepless night was for nothing. Wayne stayed home long enough to see her off, and I think she dug having daddy around for a few extra minutes. She got right on the van, and luckily there were already a few "friends" there already, which she loved. And then they pulled away. I watched the tinted windows to see if she was flailing around as they drove off, but I saw nothing. I called the school later and talked to her teacher, and she said that although she didn't know how she was on the van, she arrived at school happy and without any signs of a meltdown, so all must have gone well. I'll find out more from the driver when she gets home later today, I'm sure.

Above are some pics of her waiting for the van and then getting in, as well as some with her wearing her new new backpack, which I got yesterday. The little one she brought to school yesterday is too small for the paperwork she needs to bring home to us each day, so she has to have a fullsized one. It's hilarious because the bag is nearly as big as she is, but somehow she can keep it on her back.