Friday, May 30, 2008

Nameless No More

It was almost written in the stars. As I lay in bed Wednesday night, I thought about what I had left to wear the next day. Being huge and not having a large amount of maternity clothes (and not all of them could even fit my bulging stomach at that point), nearing laundry day I had few options. The only thing that was clean and weather appropriate was my yellow striped t-shirt. As I realized this, I remembered that it was this t-shirt that I wore to the hospital when I was induced to have Lexie. I thought with a chuckle how ironic it would be if I happen to have the baby the next day. Thursday was also Lexie's last day of school, thus the end of any potential complications with me being in the hospital. I had actually contemplated taking castor oil earlier in the week, but had decided that if I was going to try to induce, I should wait until after school was out so there wouldn't be any complications getting Lexie there. Also, our Home Teacher came by Wednesday night and promised to pray for me to go into labor. Interesting timing.

I woke up Thursday feeling crampy and uncomfortable, but excited because I had my doctor's appointment that morning. While I tried to prepare myself for all possible outcomes, I daydreamed that the doctor would check me out and announce that the baby was on his way and instruct me to walk right over to the hospital and get 'er done. My daydream nearly came true. The doctor first felt my stomach to find the baby's position, and told me I was having a contraction right then and there! Then, after examining me, he told me he wouldn't be surprised if I went into labor that day, if not the next few days. And thus the contractions began.

That first one was at around 10:30am. They started about 30 minutes apart, and were more uncomfortable than painful. They become more frequent but still just uncomfortable over the next few hours. Around 4pm I called the doctor's office to double check that I should wait until contractions were every 5 minutes, but the nurse said that since I was a steady 10 minutes at that point, I should head on over to the hospital. Not wanting to get to the hospital too early, I called Wayne and had him wrap up work, packed a bag for Lexie, took her over to hang out with Grandma and Aunt Suzie, and eentually met up with Wayne and went to American Fork Hospital. My doctor was already there with another patient, so that was convenient.

This delivery was WAY faster than the first, but still scary at times. The anesiologist (I know that's not spelled right, but I can't think right now) looked like he was 12 years old, and that got me terrified. "Time to push" came a lot faster than anyone was expecting, and I should have pushed my pain med button a lot sooner, because I definately experienced pain. But in the end, it was fairly quick and easy, as far as labor goes. I instantly fell in love with the little guy. With Lexie, that took some time, because she represented a world of all new, terrifying things. But this little guy was not so scary, so I got to just enjoy him from the start. The second I looked at him, my mind immediately said "Seth James". I had considered this combo before and didn't like it, but when I saw him, that's just who he was.

He's been a great little guy so far. He's sleeping VERY well (4-8 hour increminents most times!) and eating like a proper Tomlinson should. Heavenly Father knew that if we were going to have another kid, he'd need to be able to adapt to us, because Lexie has a lot of needs, and I think we're getting that kid. We feel very blessed, and I can't wait to take him home and start our lives as a bigger family together.


Andrea Steele aka Mrs. Claus said...


Lacee Jo-nes said...

Congratulations Wayne and Liz!

Cheryl said...

Thank you for the story! I'm glad it went well and that you didn't have to be induced. So awesome! Hooray for the new baby! I can't wait to see the little guy. :)