Thursday, May 22, 2008

The end is SET.

So now my whining from yesterday is unnessesary, because a for sure end to this pregnancy has been set. Unfortunately, it's June 6th. However, it was my choice. Odd, huh? Here's how the story goes: This morning I went in for my doctor's appointment and learned, sparing the intimate details, that I've made a big progression from last week. So it seems my body is definately gearing up to kick this baby out. The doctor then gave me the option for when to schedule an induction, if nessesary. Being my second pregnancy, I could opt to do it as early as a week before my due date, but no later than a week after, for the baby's safety. The "week early" option seemed VERY tempting, but something held me back. I think that, despite my burning desire not be pregnant anymore, part of me still wants to find out what it's like to go into labor naturally (Wayne will be on the couch watching tv or reading the newspaper when I suddenly enter the family room, luggage in hand, and calmly announce "Honey, it's time". Just like in the movies, right?). And seeing as I'm making some headway already, there may be a chance that nature will take it's course. So, that in mind, June 6th is also a fun birthday (6/6), and the doctor I like best from the practice is on call that day, so it just seemed right. Well, there you have it: though hopefully sooner, Nameless Baby will be coming by June 6th.


Cheryl said...

Hooray! At least you know that the baby will come by then. And I think you are very, very, very wise to just wait. I was induced a week early with #3 and it was painfully obvious that it was a good thing (he was almost 10 pounds). But then with #4, I begged to be induced a week early, too, only to find out, after he was born, that I should have waited for his sake. I'll never make that mistake again!

Good luck with these last few weeks. Take a lot of naps and rest yourself up!

Amanda D said...

I found you through Cheryl. Cute blog! My birthday is June 7, and it is a perfect time for a birthday. Good luck!