Thursday, May 1, 2008

Total bummers.

It's funny how sometimes you'll get bombarded by a slew of little things to just totally bum you out, like a line of little gray clouds that decide to come over and float above your head for a bit. I was having a perfectly nice morning, until I read Lexie's daily note from her teacher when she got home. Lexie is behind where she should be in communication progress and has a lot of work to do. Well, this is of course not at all news, but every time it's just such a bummer to hear. I'm getting so tired of hearing from every therapist at every appointment how far behind Lexie is. I've been working so hard with her for over a year, and she's just barely starting to do the things she should have started 4 months in. I feel like her therapists must think I'm lying when I tell them that I do everything they tell me to, that we work on communication every day and practice the techniques they're showing me all the time. I mean, why else would she not be progressing? This is just one of those times when I'd love for Heavenly Father to give me just a little window into the future, show me Lexie somewhere down the line when all this hard work pays off and she's no longer "behind". All I'd need to see is one "Lexie is doing great!" report, and it'd have a finish line to reach for at this moment.
So I'm already totally bummed out by this little gray cloud, when #2 comes rolling in. I get an email from my agent calling for anyone interested in being an extra for High School Musical 3. Now, this really shouldn't be that big a deal, especially in the grand scheme of things. But I was supposed to audition for a couple of actual roles on this film several months back. In fact, the casting director had specifically asked for me, which is cool. Unfortunately, Nameless Baby had made his unexpected arrival in the soon-to-be-world, and pregnant women can not pass for highschool students. Well, at least not in a Disney film. So, the extra call just reminded me of another disappointment in my life. Double bummer.
So I decide to read a friend's blog to cheer me up, because she's a good writer and always enjoyable. But today she shared with the world a clever little "kids say the darnest things" moment she had with her kids. Which of course reminded me once again that Lexie cannot say such clever little things because right now the only thing she can consistantly say is "Meow", and even that in dwindling and becoming less of a word as she gets lazy and the novelty of talking wears off... Triple bummer.
Oh, and it snowed! On May 1st! I mean, come on! I'm usually a big enviromentalist, but even I'm starting to doubt this whole Global Warming thing. Just for those stupid flakes of snow, I'm not recyling a darn thing today. I was going to save and reuse the 2 plastic Walmart shopping bags I got today, but now I'm going to go throw them straight into the trash... and maybe eat some icecream or something...


Cheryl said...

Oh, Liz. I'm sorry. And now I feel guilty for writing something that made you feel even worse.

When it rains (or snows) it pours (or blizzards). But in time, these things that seem so awful now will end up being nothing but a blessing. That's the joy of hindsight.

So, I say, eat the ice cream, vent and mope, maybe cry a little, and you will feel better. Just keep trying, working, doing what you know you can do, and it will turn out the way it's supposed to. It has to! Because you are just that great of a person. There's simply no other way. :)

Biff said...

How full is Lexie's party on Saturday? Our kids really enjoy Signing Time and we'd love to have them get to know Lexie. Plus, we'd love to see you and Wayne! But, we're conscious of how many people you already have coming, and the age difference in the kids.

Let us know.


Andrea Steele aka Mrs. Claus said...

These kinds of situations are exactly why God gave us ice cream and/or chocolate!

Lizzie said...

We were out of icecream, but chocolate chips seemed to work. Plus, I actually felt better after "blogging it off". I guess sometimes it helps to get stuff off your chest. And Brandon and Cheryl: YES! Please come! It's at 11:30 and we'll have lunch and stuff. I'll have Wayne call you, Brandon.

Suzie said...

I think that as soon as lexie starts talking that she will take off and catch up really quickly. She has only been in school for one week, so it is a little early to tell.

Mindy Sue O'Bryant said...

Like you have always said.. she is smarter than she lets on. She will figure things out eventually, and no matter what Lexie will always be our shining star.