Friday, May 23, 2008

Car Day!

Lexie's preschool had Car Day today! Yesterday we spent almost three hours making her car out of a cardboard box, and today all the kids got to run around pretending to be cars. But the best part was that Cosmo showed up! I'm not sure what the BYU Cougars have to do with cars, but it seems like they had a lot of fun. And Lexie got a Car Show Award for having the Smallest Cutest Car. I'm going to take credit for that one, I figured she wouldn't want to lug around a big SUV, she's more of a Mini Couper kind of girl...

*In the class picture, Lexie is on the bottom right corner, and that's Lexie from behind in the top right picture. Her car has a Ski Utah liscense plate. You can click on the picture to see it bigger. This is just the newsletter that was sent home today.