Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Still Alive

Both kids are miraculously asleep, so I thought I'd drop in a little note to let everyone know we're still alive. It's been a very, very, VERY tough almost two weeks. As I feared, Lexie is having a hard time adjusting to not being the complete center of the Tomlinson universe. There have been fits, messes, wet beds AND soiled beds, and a few smiles in between. But we've had a lot of help from friends and family, and we're very grateful for that. We all loved having "Aunt Sam" (my sister) and Cousin Rachel come visit, and Lexie got an absolute kick out of having a fun 6 year old to play with. Thankfully, Seth has been super chill and very patient, a good counter to Hurricane Alexis.

In conclusion, many days are bad, some are good. Here's to surviving, and hopefully working towards more good days than bad.


Cheryl said...

I'm glad it's going pretty well; and Lexie'll get used to having him around. Eventually!

I have a gift for you, but I haven't had a chance to drive up there to give it to you. I'm going to try this weekend, okay? I'll make sure to have Brandon call Wayne to verify that you're home. Can't wait to see the little guy! (oh, and yes, I just invited myself over, but just for a bit, and it's okay because I'll have a gift, right? Right. Right?)

Jocelyn said...

I've been wanting to check your blog and see how you're doing. Reading this post brought back very recent memories. Our kids are really super close in age and my husband and I often comment that these first few years are more about "surviving" our children than necessarily "enjoying" them. Although the survival is peppered with just enough enjoyment to make us want to somehow keep having more.

I hope your little Lexie starts to accept Seth soon. One thought, although I hesitate to give anything that might be thought of as unsolicited advice (I'm sorry in advance) -- when our boy was born, our #2 had a tough time. We got her a baby doll all her own to care for and it really alleviated a lot of the problems she was having. Not all of them all the time, but enough that it gave us a few more moments of sanity.

He's just adorable, by the way!

Mindy Sue O'Bryant said...

Seth looks so happy. I think that he might even be smiling.

Samantha said...

Oh I miss those little cheeks!!! I can't wait to snuggle him again in September! Like I said before, if you want to send Lexi up here to Seattle for a while, we'd LOVE LOVE LOVE to have her. She'll be fine as long as I have my two secret weapons. Gum & Rachel!