Monday, November 17, 2008

'Primary Helper' and generally just a "Good Girl"

Lexie has turned into sort of an awesome kid. I've mentioned that lately she's been sort of clingy, and that is true. In fact, at this very moment she's clinging on my arm watching me type. While sometimes her constant contact with some part of my body can be inconvenient, it's really nice to get numerous hugs and kisses and cuddles from a child who I thought for some time didn't even like me. It seems like Lexie is turning a corner and changing from "Tremendous Terror" into "Good Girl". She's helpful, she's loving, and she's even starting to become (gasp!) somewhat patient! She's even starting to play with her brother on the odd occation, which is a step up from seeming to wish he was never born. She's been actually enjoying and participating in her therapy, and as a result she can say the following "words":
Mommy (sometimes)
Daddy (sometimes)
SpongeBob (always)
Hop hop
Up, up, up!
Beep beep
That One
I Want It
Uh oh
Grandpa (apa)
Grandma (ama)
Swish Swish
... and a bunch more I can't think of right now. A lot of them are onomonopias (noises associated with a object or action), but that's the start.
Lexie is also becoming my little Primary Helper. I've had a lot to do these last two weeks, and it became impossible to wait until after her bedtime to get everything done. I'm finding that she can be a good little helper, once she is shown the papers she can touch and those she cannot, the piles she can play with and the ones she cannot, and expecially when I can find a small task for her to actually physically help me with. She LOVES that. Sometimes it means tasks take just a bit longer than if I did them myself, but it's worth it for her to get the feeling of accomplishment and being needed. Besides, with her right by my side I can turn my chore into Lexie Therapy time.
All in all, Lexie has been a good little Penguin (a new little thing we have going).


Samantha Paul said...

Oh I miss her!!! I can't believe how many new words she's using since I last saw her.

Mindy Sue O'Bryant said...

We will have to hang out so that we can hear all of Lexie's words. (Hang out other than church that is).