Tuesday, October 14, 2008

We're Famous!

We've been meaning to get a sign in our neighborhood for a while, but we didn't know how to go about it, so it got put off for a bit. Finally, a couple of weeks ago, Wayne called the city, who transfered him around until he finally talked to the right person, and the paperwork was started. Yesterday, our signs were put up. Cool! I don't know why I'm so excited about this, but I am. For one thing, it'll be a lot safer (hopefully) for Lexie to play out front, since she's still not good at listening for cars. Plus, I just think it's neat that there's a street sign dedicated to us. I guess it's one of the "pros" of having a deaf child. Everyone faces different challenges with their children, but not everyone can have the city honor it. You never see "Boy With Difficulty In Algebra Area" or "Watch For Child With Attitude Problem" signs. But we get one! Two, in fact (Hope you don't mind it on the edge of your yard, Ron and Sarah). That's pretty special.


The Gardners said...

Hey Liz... I decided to go private so send me your email so I can send you an invite. Mine is aliciagardner22@gmail.com By the way the picture of you on the side is sooo pretty!! How did you get it that big? Mine are so small.

Sarah Hall said...

Don't worry about the sign. I think it will help slow the traffic. The other night I had a bunch of people coming to my house for a bridal shower and the sign came in handy when they needed directions.

elizabeth said...

Great blog! I hope you'll consider adding it to the aggregator at Deaf Village (www.deafvillage.com) -- we'd love to have you as part of our community!