Monday, October 13, 2008

Germs, Cereal, Snow, The Big Clean, and Splittin' Up!

It's been a while and there's a lot to cover, so we're going to do this BULLET STYLE! Woo!

* Germs: (The picture really has nothing to do with this, except that Lexie has been a bit of a little Devil. I just thought it was cute, and fitting for her usual personality) Lexie and Wayne have been sick. While Lexie is quite the handful on her sick bed, Wayne is maybe even worse (we all know men, they're just big babies - wink wink). He stayed home from work Thursday AND Friday, which if you know Wayne means he was practically on his death bed, because he HATES missing work. It's been an exhausting weekend for everyone in the house. As hard as it has been for me to play nurse, I know it's even harder to feel so crummy. Thankfully everyone is on the upward slope towards full cold and flu recovery. We all get flu shots on Wednesday, so hopefully this will be the last sick-weekend for a while.

* Cereal: Seth is now eating rice cereal. He loves the stuff, which kind of makes it hard to feed him, since he tries to grab the spoon and pull it in on his own. Hopefully this will help him sleep better, since right now he's still getting up around 12 and around 5. Yuck.

* Snow: We woke up to our first snow of the season on Sunday morning. Woo! Lexie was mezmorized. She stood at the window of her playroom taking in the winter wonderland for a good 10 minutes straight. Thankfully it all melted by the time we got out of church. It's a bit too early to be that cold, in my opinion. But it was great to get the grass watered for free. Thanks Mother Nature!

* The Big Clean: Having EVERYONE home 24 hours a day and sick from Thursday through Sunday, our place was a mess! And it seemed everytime I tried to clean up I could only chip away at the monster before a new mess emerged. So finally by Sunday I'd had it, and after dinner I shipped Wayne and the kids off the Grandma and Grandpa's house so I could clean in peace. I worked nonstop for 2 1/2 hours, picking up, folding laundry, doing dishes, etc, and I still didn't finish everything! I got the main areas done, but there's still a pile of papers in the office to file, the toyroom needs to be picked up, and there are several junk drawers/closets to be organized. How did we end up living in such a pigsty?

* Splittin' Up: That's right, it's official - we're splitting. No, not Wayne and I (seriously, you think he could ever find someone more awesome than me? No way he'd chance it, I rock! :) ), THE WARD! YAY! While I'm really sad to lose some great people, I'm so excited to finally have a ward that's a managable size. We spend every sunday in the very back of the GYM, then stay in the gym for Sunday School, and then, because our RS is so big, I spend the last hour in, you guessed it, THE GYM. It's hard to hear, impossible to get a group discussion going, and it just sucks. Plus, the rumors are going around that now we'll be able to go to the church building that's RIGHT behind our house instead of ironically passing it every Sunday to drive to a church 7 minutes away. I may finally be able to walk to church like I always dreamed about when I moved here from Seattle (where our building was 20 minutes away). They made the announcement of the split on Sunday, and the boundries and details will be announced this Sunday at ward conference, and then the week after that it's walking time! Time to get my boots...