Thursday, October 30, 2008

Some of Lexie's Favorite Things

I was realizing that when I blog about Seth, it's about all the cool things he can do, what he likes, how cute he is, etc, but when I blog about Lexie, it's usually about her hearing or speech, and never really about her as a person. So, for those friends and family who never get to see her, I'm going to start writing things about her personailty when I think of them.

Lexie loves cartoons, and I'm a bad mom and let her watch more than she should. One that she really likes is Phineas and Ferb. Here's some clips that she loves. The first one is a song we like to dance to. We have a lot of fun when this episode comes on, and it's hilarious to watch Lexie try to imitate the dance moves (and I'm sure I look goofy as well):

This one Lexie likes because A)She loves Perry the Platypus, and B)she likes when they run towards each other in slow motion, and we have to act it together when we see it: