Tuesday, September 30, 2008


Heidi tagged me, and I finally got access to her blog, so here it is, better late than never:

6 quirks about me:

1. I have a phobia about cutting my fingernails. I'm afraid that if I cut them too short, I'll cut the skin that connects my nails to my fingers. Therefore, I never let anyone else cut my fingernails, and when I cut them myself I always leave them really long.
2. If you tell me "don't smile", I automatically smile, every time. It's not a happy smile, it has nothing to do with emotion, it's simply that my mouth has no choice but to respond to the voice command. Wayne thinks he's so cool, like he's magic because he can make me smile, but I just remind him every time "[biggrin] it's not like it's some major accomplishment, anyone can do it[/biggrin]".
3. With a few exceptions, I must eat foods seperately. I do not eat casseroles. I'll eat salad, but no two types of food will be on my fork at the same time. Example: I'll eat a piece of lettuce, then a carrot, but not a forkfull of lettuce and carrot. Same with eating a stew. One bite with potatoes, one bite with meat, one bite with corn, etc.
4. When I'm falling asleep, I write episodes of tv shows I watch in my head. Sometimes it's just something I think would be fun to see, like "Gee, it'd be so funny if on The Office they did...". Those I don't usually remember. More often I do it for shows with continuous storylines, usually the one I saw the night before, like Heroes or Prison Break. I think I do it because I can't stand the cliffhangers from week to week, and I just want to know what happens next, so I make it up in my head. I usually remember these, and a few times the show has actually followed my story fairly closely (they're in my head!). A lot of times I'm actually disappointed when the future episodes air, because I like they way I wrote it better. A note: I actually imagined the episode of Friends where Chandler proposes to Monica, almostly exactly, weeks before it aired. Spooky. I wasn't even that big a fan of the show, either.
5. I refuse to look in a mirror in a dark room. Partly because I got freaked by the Bloody Mary game when I was a kid, and partly because I don't want to live out that scene you always see in scary movies where a person is in the bathroom at night, they look at their reflection in the mirror, everything is fine, look down to the sink, then look back up and there's someone standing behind them in the reflection as lightning crashes outside the window, they scream and turn, but it's too late! If I'm going to be attacked, fine, I just don't want to find out about it that way. So if I have to go to the bathroom in the middle of the night, I close my eyes as I pass the mirror and walk reallyreallyfast!
6. I have to eat M&M's by color. First, all the browns, then after that, the smallest group, then the next smallest group, etc, so in the end I'm left with a large group of one color of M&Ms. If the groups are around the same size, I like to leave either the greens or the blues for last, because I like they way a large group of either of those colors looks together.

I don't know that many people who blog, so I'll tag: Wayne, Ryan T (can he borrow your blog, Heidi?), Suzie, Cory, Mindy, and Megan.