Monday, September 8, 2008

Flipping Out

Two weeks ago Lexie started gymnastics at All American Gymnastics in Lindon, my former workplace. I was going to blog about it then, but she was soooooooo naughty in class, I was too mad to take pictures, and I certainly didn't want to talk about it. She didn't listen to the teacher, she was running all over the place, and she threw a fit when we left. Well, last week was Labor Day, so no class, but we got to go back today. Much better! The first half of class she listened very well and stayed with the group, 3/4 in she stayed with the class but sort of spaced out during the activities, then for the last 10 minutes she was running around wherever she pleased. So, not a perfect day in class, but a definate improvement. Next week I may change the setting on her Cochlear so she can potentially hear her teacher better, which may be part of her focusing problem. It seems like it's hard to focus in on her teacher's voice in the big gym, so we'll see if we can fix that. Then on to the 2024 Summer Olympics! ; )


Elissa said...

Hey Liz!! Saw your blog on Mindy's of course! Just wanted to stop in to say hello! Your little guy is darling, congrats!