Saturday, May 9, 2009

Quicky Updates

Wow, it's been a long time since I've posted anything. Here's what we've/I've been up to:

*Lexie turned 4! Go Lexie! We were going to do a party, but I'm a bad mom and I plum forgot her b-day was coming up until the week before. So instead we went up to the Carousel at South Towne Mall and then to Chic-fil-a and let her climb around in the play area there. It was extremely cheap and she loved every minute of it.

*Seth can walk now! It's weird, he's so little, at least compared to Lexie when she finally walked at 22 months. He's also extremely tall and reach things on the kitchen table and climb onto the couch. So basically, he's unstoppable.

*I finally read Twilight. Eh. I guess I'm just not a 17-year-old girl anymore. But some things were interesting, and once I got past over-indulgent descriptions of Edward's hotness (seriously, if I read the words 'Greek God' or 'Adonis' one more time, I was going to start taking hostages) I found him to be somewhat original and intriguing. I'm just starting the second book, and so far it's better than the first. People do improve, after all.

*Finally saw Twilight the movie. Yeck! The acting was atrocious. Both main characters totally missed the point, especially Edward, neither had a clear understanding of the lines, transition points were missed left and right... basically, it was just bad. Oh well. I usually like that little actress that plays Bella, so I was a bit disappointed.

*Primary got all shifted around. Our President's mean mean husband had to go be all righteous and get called into the Bishopric, so our presidency was released. There were a lot of tears and gnashing of teeth, mostly on my part. But then I got called back in! Now I'm the 1s Councilor, and I'll be honest, it's WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY less work than being the Secretary. I love it! Sorry, Julien. So, as horribly sad as it is that my old presidency friends are no longer in Primary, I'm loving that I still get to sing songs and play games on Sundays. And now I get to do Sharing Time, which is totally fun. But I also have to conduct, which I'm learning is not so much fun. I still feel like an awkward circus monkey up there. Hopefully I'll get the hang of it soon.

*X-Men Origins: Wolverine finally came out! Woot Woot! It was... okay. Truth be told, I'd pay $8 and tax to watch Hugh Jackman stand in front of a wall reciting the phone book for 2 hours, so no matter what, it wasn't bad. It just wasn't that good. And if I wanted to get all fangirl on ya, I could nitpick the horrible inaccuracies of Gambit for a while, but I'm going to keep my mouth shut. I'm just glad he was in the movie at all. Overall, it was a fun popcorn movie, and nothing more. Lots of things went boom, lots of people were killed in a bloodlessly PG-13 manner, so, you know, I was satisfied.

*I just finished taking an AWESOME 6-week acting class from Michael Flynn, and now I'm all pumped to go to auditions. Unfortunately, it's still crickets in that department because SAG is still negotiating and studios aren't greenlighting anything. But the word on the street is that things should be picking up by summer. Fingers crossed!

*We've somewhat stopped Lexie's horrible, no-food-allowed diet. Long story short, after a horrible, awful, no-good day at the doctor's, we fasted and prayed about it and felt a confirmation that this particular doctor was not the path that we should take. We now have a different recommendation that I need to follow up on. Until then, Lexie can eat food again, but we're still keeping her off all major sugar sources, yeast, and glutin, seeing as the next doctor will most likely keep her off these as well. The no-sugar thing has actually been great, once she got used to it. Other foods have become 'treats', and she's developed a taste for vegetables again. I feel like a better mommy now, so even if these crazy diets don't do anything to help with her behavior and/or learning, I think I may stick with the general 'no-sugary foods' rule.

That's all for now, I'll try to keep up better. I have a bunch of cute photos to post, but they're all sideways, and I don't know how to fix them, so once I get Wayne on that, they'll be up!


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