Monday, May 25, 2009

Lexie is 4!

Lexie turned 4 on the 2nd. For months I had it in the back of my mind that I was going to do some sort of girly party for Lex, but then I completely forgot that the date was even coming up until Wayne mentioned it a week before. So we ended up taking Lexie up to South Towne mall to the carousel and then to Chick-fil-a for dinner and to play in their play area. It was supposed to just be something semi-fun to do for the day, but Lexie LOVED it, so we decided that was enough b-day for her. Unforunately, she was having SO much fun, I couldn't get her to stay still enough for a good picture, so this is all we've got. We did get a bunch of cute ones of Seth, though.


The Queen Bee said...

I can't believe how big your kids are getting. I don't even recognize Seth. Can't wait to see you all in July.