Thursday, February 7, 2008

Twin Bedroom Set WANTED!

Sometime before Nameless Boy is born, we need to find a twin bedroom set for Lexi. Right now she's in a toddler bed, which is fine, except it uses the crib mattress that needs to be back into the crib when her brother arrives. We could just buy another crib mattress, which is cheap, but since she has to move up eventually, and she loves real matresses when she guests on one, we thought we'd just step her up to a real Big Girl Bed. And since her current dresser matches the crib, it'd be nice to find a whole bedroom set (or at least a bed, mattress, and dresser) for her. We're looking for a nicely used set, or a new set if it's on super sale or something. I've been trying to keep a good eye on, and I've checked in on Craigslist occationally. But if anyone hears of or sees a good buy, please let us know! I'm hoping for white, but I'm not that picky. Mostly we're looking for that really great steal, where you get something in good condition for a great price. I'm thinking we'll have more luck when it warms up and garage sale season starts, but just in case I've started looking now. So keep your eyes and ears open. Thanks everyone!