Sunday, February 15, 2009

100 Random things about Me... the Lizzie Version

Alicia did a "100 Random Things About Me" post on her blog, and I was impressed! I don't think there even are 100 things about me, much less 100 I can think of. Let's give it a shot (and maybe we'll get Wayne to try this out as well.)

1. I love wearing hats, but my head is almost always too small for the ones I find in stores, so I never buy them.

2. I hate sandwiches.

3. I love Lemurs!

4. I find it almost physically impossible to wash the dishes without singing. If we have company over, I usually whisper a song as quietly as I can and hope no one notices.

5. I love filing papers. One of my first jobs was at an architect's firm, and I loved filing away huge stacks of blueprints and vellums after the architects were done with them.

6. I'm not a girly girl, but I do hate getting dirty.

7. Ever since I was little, I've hated having parties (or even just people over). I spend the entire time worrying if everything is going alright and if everyone is having fun (therefore I am not).

8. I'm a naturally messy person, but I like having everything clean. The result is that I have to pick up the house. A lot. And it's still usually a mess.

9. I love a good pair of tight jeans.

10. I both love and hate speaking in public. It's sort of a terrifying thrill, like a scary carnival ride.

11. I was going to audition for American Idol this year when they came to SLC, but I got sick and lost my voice the day before. It's ok, though, I wouldn't have won anyway (or come anywhere close).

12. I love cloudy days. Too much blue sky makes me feel uneasy.

13. I'm a sucker for any kind of top with a hood.

14. I'm afraid of vacuum cleaners (probably because when I was little my sister used to chase me with one).

15. Although I only wear one pair of earrings now (if any), at one point I had three pairs and my cartilage pierced on my right ear.

16. I have been a brunette, a blonde, and a redhead. My natural brunette is the winner (Go figure).

17. I'm a closet comic fan. Though I've never let myself actually read them, the characters intrigue me and I occasionally catch up on the plot lines of X-men through wikipedia and fanfiction, and I know far too much about Batman to be considered cool. It's lame. I know.

18. I love to people watch.

19. I find it almost physically impossible to drive a car without singing.

20. I can only wear Vanilla, any other scent gives me horrible headaches.

21. I once had a crush on Donny Osmond's son, Don. He wrote his phone number for me on the whiteboard in my apartment, and my roommates left it on there for weeks just for me with a big note pointing to it saying "Don Osmond's freakin' number! Go Liz!"

22. In Seattle, my bedroom was completely blue, including the ceiling.

23. I love black and white photography of man-made structures (buildings, bridges, streets, etc).

24. My favorite weather is sweatshirt and jeans weather. In other words, the standard two weeks of Utah's fall.

25. I love boots.

26. I love making faces in the mirror with Lexie. She does an awesome mommy impression!

27. I hate talking on the phone, so much I sometimes come close to having a panic attack when I'm forced to do so.

28. My mom has been my best friend since high school (or maybe before).

29. The food on my plate cannot touch. But seriously, who doesn't have a problem with that? I'll tell you who: freaks. You know who you are, people. Don't deny it.

30. I hate dogs, with the exception of one adorable and extremely well behaved pug. If she happens to disappear from her home one night, I'd recommend looking at my house.

31. I love wearing dark colors.

32. After years of being frustrated with skin that won't tan, I've come to love my porcelain complexion. In olden times white legs were considered a sign of nobility. Take that bronze goddesses!

33. I own all 8 seasons of X-Files on DVD (season 9 does NOT count).

34. I hate having to join in on group conversations. It's far more interesting listening to everyone else.

35. I love movie and television trivia.

36. I love to act, and would do a lot more of it if I didn't already have an important full-time job: Mommy.

37. I love to be bundled up when I sleep.

38. Seth's favorite songs that I sing to him are "Landslide", Colbie's
"Capri", and the Jonas Brother's song "Burnin' Up".

39. I love to swim laps.

40. I'm a serious homebody.

41. I love trees.

42. For some reason I currently have a burning desire to learn french.

43. I hate PDA. My own more than others.

44. When I'm really mad, I tend to be a thrower. (Not at people, of course). Or a wall-puncher. Or kicker.

45. My answers to James Lipton's standard 10 questions are: kitten, wiener, Hugo Boss cologne, bodily function humor,"Mother-Freakin A!", rain on the rooftop in the middle of the night or when you first wake up, children shouting indoors, criminal psychologist, sales, "Eh, good enough. Come on in!".

46. I hate slapstick comedy.

47. I have a non-sexual crush on Tina Fey. I think she's awesome beyond words. I want to go to there.

48. I find blondes unattractive. (Then I go and have blonde children. Irony is neat).

49. I always said I would have a daughter named Riley and a son named Fox. My kids are Lexie and Seth. Huh.

50. I cannot be touched anywhere on my body when I'm trying to sleep. A two foot personal bubble is preferable (you can't always get what you want).

51. I met my husband on Valentine's day. We went to see a movie with a bunch of people from his singles ward. My friend convinced Wayne to come along, I convinced Don to come. You know how the story ends.

52. I'm extremely ticklish, to the point that bodily harm is threatened to anyone who would dare even think about tickling me.

53. Although I enjoy living in an LDS-familiar community, I loved being in a ward in "the mission field".

54. The second time I ran into Wayne, it was at a party where he actually used the old "let me show you how to shoot pool" trick. Cliche!

55. I hate country music.

56. My favorite movie is Dead Poets Society

57. I love Thai food, especially Massaman Curry.

58. When I write, I have a tendency to use an excessive amount of run-on sentences.

59. I love shopping for almost anything. Clothes, groceries, anything. I just enjoy the exchange of money for goods and services.

60. My favorite color is probably still blue (although not for decorating).

61. I hate songs that tell a story (Billy Joe was walking down the street. Little Sally was the girl that he would meet. One day they went to the county fair, and Sally wore a red bow in her hair...).

62. I love spearmint gum.

63. I find hugging awkward.

64. I once breached Heathrow Airport's international security (unintentionally, of course) and was detained with my friend for over 2 hours.

65. I've been kissed on top of the Eiffel Tower. By 3 separate people. Unfortunately, they were all friends and it was not in the least bit romantic.

66. I've slept on a park bench in France.

67. I've walked Abby Road (got the picture to prove it).

68. My favorite place in the world is Trafalgar Square in London, which is also my favorite city in the world (Not that I know that many to compare it to...).

69. I desperately want to visit New York City some day. It's pathetic that I haven't done this yet.

70. I'm a notoriously bad parker. And backing-up-er. I have a horrible driving short-game.

71. I hate wearing face makeup.

72. I find it almost physically impossible to pick up the house without singing.

73. I hate eggs. It's a mental thing more than anything, I think.

74. I love a good vinaigrette, and I hate ranch dressing. You Utahns are nuts.

75. I love dancing around for Seth to make him smile. He seems to enjoy my style, which is a mix between nerd-at-a-rave and The Wiggles.

76. I'm claustrophobic, but it's mostly under control. I used to be really bad. I could only fly in a plane if I self-medicated with Dr. Pepper and meditated the entire way. The flight to London was a nightmare.

77. I'm squeamish with "eye" things (poking them, pulling them out, fingers or instruments coming anywhere near them). Somehow I've managed to wear either glasses or contacts since I was 8 years old despite this.

78. I've been told I'm an excellent kisser. : )

79. Jon Stewart helped me lose 40 pounds.

80. I find it offensive when people use the word "retarded" to mean "stupid" or "lame".

81. I'm affectionately (right, guys?) known as the Liberal Hippy of the Tomlinson Family.

*Note: can you tell I'm running low on material at this point?*

82. I love to bodyboard.

83. Although I complain about it all the time, I am actually quite happy to be living in Utah right now. Lexie is getting amazing services (which, if you know anything about the public school system and special ed, is unbelievably lucky) and there are a ton of film opportunities (hopefully even more if the House approves SB 13).

84. Although I'm actually quite happy living in Utah right now, I'd like to move back to Seattle some day.

85. In September I got a Tiffany's Charm from my sister as a bridesmaid's gift, and now I wear it (on a chain) almost all the time. I sleep in it, shower it in, etc. I only ever take it off on the the rare occasion I want to wear a special piece of jewelry to go with an outfit on Sunday.

86. I used to love cats, but lately, the thrill is gone.

87. I hate yard work. That's why God created boys.

88. I find it very relaxing to have a long car ride with just myself. Guess how often that happens.

89. I love Top Chef. But I have to be eating something while I watch.

90. My family has a tradition of making homemade pizza and watching the Academy Awards. I extended the tradition to include the Emmy Awards and the Golden Globes, and at one point the SAG Awards. Generally, I'm the only one who still keeps up the pizza part of the tradition (although my parents did it up right on Sunday. Woot Woot guys!).

91. I have at portfolio of almost $20 Million on the Hollywood Stock Exchange (

92. I eat KitKats one layer at a time.

93. I'm wearing two different colored socks right now (yes, we're getting desperate right now).

94. Wayne works for a Home Security company, we have a security system on our house, and I never arm it (Wayne says that by putting this online I have to change my ways).

95. I love filing taxes and wait anxiously starting January 1st for Wayne's W-2 to come so I can get my tax-return on!

96. My favorite (paying) job was my last one, working in the office at All American Gymnastics in Lindon, first as a secretary and by the end as the Office Manager. I totally miss it.

97. I ate venison once on accident and liked it, until I found out I was eating Bambi's Mama, at which point it became disgusting.

98. I'm an insomniac, and I have to fall asleep with the tv on (if I can fall asleep at all).

99. Wayne frequently talks about a someone he works with named McWayne. I think McWayne is actually Wayne's imaginary friend, and apparently Wayne is not very creative and just added a "Mc" to the front of his name. I imagine he spends hours everyday sitting in his office having meetings with "McWayne" while everyone at Pinnacle wonders why he's sitting behind his desk talking to himself.

100. Although I obviously don't get to do it very often, I love to blog!! It's the perfect excuse to get to write pointlessly and have an audience, albiet a small one. Thanks for letting me blab on occasion!

Wow, I can't believe I actually made it to 100. I'll admit, a lot of them were totally lame, but hey, 100 is a big number.


Mindy Sue O'Bryant said...

I bet that took forever, but I am impressed that you thought of that many things. No, you can't have my dog! Also, I am supriesed with all the singing that you do that I have never really heard you sing. Or at least paid attention, but I will now!

Emily said...

Wow! I loved reading this. So, you are one of those food-seperators...I don't get you people!! :)

Sarah Hall said...

Fun to read!lots of stuff i would have never expected from you...not that I know you well. But, by the way I was born and raised in CA and love ranch on everything, pizza, fries, you name it.