Monday, December 29, 2008

Happy New Year

In preparing for our annual fondue party I came across a really easy and really tasty cheese fondue recipe. If you are into fondue, try this one:

"Easy Cheese Fondue"

2 cups milk
1 tbsp worcester sause
2 tsp ground dry mustard
1 clove garlic (crushed)
3 tbsp flour

6 cups cheddar cheese (schredded)

Medium pan, low heat.
Mix all but cheese.
Heat until almost boiling.
Gradually stir in the cheese.
Heat until all cheese is melted.
Transfer to fondue dish.

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Right Now I'm: Totally whacked out

Right now:

  • Wayne's been out of town since Sunday
  • Lexie is grumpy
  • Seth is wiggly and likes to roll in his crib (and not sleep)
  • My chronic insomnia has been getting worse and worse for months and is finally at full force. 8 hours of sleep total... in the last 3 nights
  • The house is a mess (ok, but how is this any different)
  • Feeling like I'm sucking at my calling right now because my brain isn't functioning well enough to organize and get stuff done
  • We're out of baby food.

So, solutions:

  • Wayne gets home late on Friday
  • We're going to see friends today, so Lexie should cheer up
  • I don't know, a baby sized straight jacket?
  • Pills. I think it's time for pills. Maybe I can go to the doctor next week...
  • Cleaning service! And why don't I clean when I'm not sleeping? Huh, didn't think about that till now...
  • Got to sit down and sort my brain together on this one. Lists. I need lists.
  • This one's easy. We can go to the store!

Ok, so... off to problem solve....