Sunday, September 16, 2007

Making a House a Home... one room at a time.

We have a great house... I love it! But it's very big, and needs a lot of stuff to fill it. But we bought the BIG house, with little money left for the stuff. So, the process is little by little, step by step. The family room is basically how I want it, with room for more small touches if as time goes by I find something that moves me. The livingroom is wanting only for a couch. The dining room is GREAT as it is, you know, minus a dining table ;). I had a design idea strike me today as I looked up at our hall upstairs where I will now put up black and white photographs of cities scenes... The guest bath and guest room are done, mostly just because I don't feel like doing much with them. I'll add more photos as I do more with this house. You know, as time goes by...