Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Sanding Sensations

A few years ago I inheritated an old sewing table that used to belong to Wayne's grandmother. It has the coolest black sewing machine, but the table was a weird medium brown. When I got it, I decided to sand it down and paint it black to match the machine. Fast forward three years, we're moving into our new home, and the table is still brown. So I decided to finally put my money where my mouth is and get the work done. DANG! Sanding is HARD! Lexi "helped" a bit, and Wayne took some pictures during the gruelling process. In the end, after two days I finally got the thing painted, but I ran out of paint before I could do a second coat. So... it's done... sort of. It's still in the garage, but hopefully I'll finish it this weekend. Will I do this sort of project again.... eh.... we'll see. I'll post pics of the finished project. Better be by monday or everyone has permission to mock me profusely.


The Queen Bee said...

I have sanded lots of things and 2 tips: sanding by hand sucks, its definitely worth the $20 investment to buy a sander. Also, they sell this cool primer now so you don't have to sand! So unless you are staining it you can just prime and then paint right over it. Good luck!